Categories: CRM

CRM August 4, 2014

How to End CRM Torture with Cloud Computing

In a new article for Information Week’s Wallstreet & Technology section, Alok Misra of the Navatar Group explores the...

CRM July 30, 2014

Customer Relationship Management Benefits You Should Be Aware Of

Customer relationship management benefits are well known to all businesses dealing directly with customers on day to day basis....

CRM July 29, 2014

CRM CARTOON: Now All We Need is Salespeople to Follow Up

Even though CRM software is promising and serves better results, follow-up of sales leads has not improved specifically with...

CRM July 28, 2014

The Benefits of Post-Training Guidance for SAP

You have undoubtedly invested a good amount of money and time in training your employees to use SAP software....

CRM July 23, 2014

The Features of CCRM for Salesforce

As you know, Salesforce is a well-known cloud-based CRM, but you may not be aware that is largely improved...

CRM News July 22, 2014

The Week’s Best in CRM

1. Big Data: The New Big Tobacco? Tim Walsh uses his article to help make the case that Big...