1. The Customer Engagement Conundrum: What the **** is it?!
Chris Ward’s article helps to answer the question about what exactly CE has evolved to be. This article does a solid job of allowing us to rethink the Customer Engagement experience and how to manage some of the changes ahead.
2. Toward a More Perfect CRM
Chris Bucholtz writes about the importance of refining and improving processes, which touch the customer direction. From personalization to working with social media this article does a good job of helping us understand just what will continue improvement in CRM.
3. 10 Steps to Successful Social CRM
This article by Rachel Miller makes the case for building your Social CRM and offers a 10-step checklist for you to follow to ensure that your business is building a social customer business strategy.
4. 3 Crucial Ways to Boost SAP New User Confidence
This article encourages an investment in continuous learning, continued performance monitoring, and early knowledge application.
Michael Taylor
Michael is the Lead Author & Editor of CRMSimplified Blog. Michael established the CRM blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to CRM.