Does your marketing team miss out the obvious in their efforts?
Well, they probably are and that is why I would like to encourage you to watch this video. It is a short test where you are expected to count the number of times the team in white passes the ball.
Interestingly, I missed out on the obvious part of this video too.
Here’s what I liked about this video:
(1)It is not another one of those boring, hands-off videos you come across on YouTube. It engages you and you have fun in the process of learning something new.
(2)Doesn’t overload you with information
This is a must-watch if you want to repair the missing link in your organization’s operations.
Michael Taylor
Michael is the Lead Author & Editor of CRMSimplified Blog. Michael established the CRM blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to CRM.