This month the buzz on CRM software focused on making sure users know how to utilize its strengths and get rid of its weaknesses. The articles in this round-up provide tactics that teach you how to easily maximize CRM in order to take your company to the next level. If you are not entirely sure how to do this one of these articles is bound to contain your answer!
1. 3 Ways CRM Technology Can Make PR Pros’ Lives Easier
Having a job in PR is no easy task! With long hours and high demands it’s a tough road to go down. However, there are ways that a CRM system can help make PR pros’ lives a little easier. This great article from PR Daily explains how you can use a CRM system to cut down wasted time, keep track of all your need information and more. Learn how to save time, and even pick up some helpful tips along the way!
2. Centralizing Marketing Data In Your CRM
In order for your marketing strategy to work in the most effective way possible you need your CRM and marketing automation tools to be working together coherently. First, you’ll need the most powerful tools, some of which are discussed in this article. Then, you will need to combine these tools with your CRM system. Read this article to find out how!
3. Why CRM Strategies Fail (and What to Do About It)
In this article from TechnoPedia, it’s all about the best practices that will help companies ensure their efforts toward their CRM system are in no way wasted! There are some very common mistakes that can be made and will sometimes result in some disastrous failures. The best way to avoid those failures is to know what they are and how to fix them.
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4. Today’s Sales Success Requires a CRM Mind-Set
Nowadays, it seems like the best way to succeed in sales is to utilize the CRM system. This next article explains just how to do that, and what it will do for your blooming company. Since one of the great features of the CRM system is that can adapt to its new sales environment it’s surely won’t let you down.
5. Maximizing Your CRM’s Software For More Profit
It’s time to take your CRM system to the next level! Don’t waste any more time using it as a glorified address book. You have to utilize its strengths, and this article will outline how to make the most of your software. A CRM system will help you understand your customers better, along with allowing higher efficiency within everyday company life.
6. The Future of CRM Software
CRM software is quickly evolving and we need to make sure we are keeping up. We need to be one step ahead of the upcoming features and trends. The future of CRM software is expanding and this article takes a closer look at what exactly that means. We see improvements in customer experience, the inclusion of artificial intelligence, as well as greater customer engagement. The future of CRM software seems bright!
7. 5 Signs Your Customer Service Operation Is In Need Of A Makeover
Your CRM may have hit a plateau. If you aren’t sure whether it has or not, this article will teach you about all the signs. For instance if you’re still using scripts and have multiple CRM systems, this may mean you need a makeover. You just need to have the correct resources handy, and the transformation will be fun and painless.
8. Make CRM Your Own Personal Assistant
This article from Business 2 Community will teach you how to make your existing CRM system become your own personal assistant! You need to make sure you’re using the software to its full potential, and have it perform the mundane tasks you shouldn’t be wasting your time on. With a helpful video included you will understand how CRM can help you move forward.
9. SugarCRM Introduces “Informative CRM” Features in Sugar 7.7
SugarCRM has recently introduced “Informative CRM,” which gathers customer information from multiple sources and enables you to find the data you need to do your job better. It does that small job for you so you don’t have to, and so you can get on to the more important stuff. This article explains the exciting features that Sugar 7.7 includes such as customer tags and an enhanced knowledge base!
Michael Taylor
Michael is the Lead Author & Editor of CRMSimplified Blog. Michael established the CRM blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to CRM.