The market for CRM software is a constantly evolving to meet the needs of the industry and to adapt to new trends and norms. Our crystal ball tells us that the future of CRM software is expanding at the same time the user experience is improving and customer engagement is at an better than ever. As Rita Coolidge sings in her classic James Bond theme “We’re an all-time high, we’ll change all that’s gone before.”
Let’s take a closer look.
The quality and usefulness of sentiment analysis will expand
Social listening tools have become numerous and commonplace in the CRM market, and yet their effectiveness has been written off by many as hype. The goal has always been to walk the social media beat and make connections that turn into marketing leads, but in practice, the greater share of useful data has come from human analysts. The future of CRM software includes solutions that will generate results rivalling or exeeding traditional analysis.
The customer experience will improve
Customers appreciate it when a company listens to their wants, needs, and complaints. The next generation of CRM software will continue to provide tools that will assist businesses and brands in engaging their customers. The future of CRM software also includes applications which will provide new insight to convert this data into greater customer benefits. The improved analysis will lead to problems being addressed more efficiently and for customer preferences to be acted on in a timely manner. By monitoring trends and offering marketing improvements and enhancements based on these trends, the customer will receive improved offerings of the products and services they really want.
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The future of CRM software will include artificial intelligence
What started as a tool for email campaigning has to date expanded to become a means of monitoring the social media ecosystem. In the near future, CRM software will not only gather data to be utilized by analysts and passed onto marketing; but will also make real-time decisions based on analysis carried out by the software itself. While we are seeing this to some extent now, this functionality will be expanded as developers learn from pervious experience in order to produce results which follow these trends in real time. This will provide content, discounts and promotions without the inherent delays that comes with human input.
A deeper level of customer engagement
Receiving emails from a brand or company has long become the norm, and many people who used to appreciate being on a mailing list today see such content as spam and avoid it. But what happen when this content is custom-tailored to the wants and wishes of the customer, rather than presented as a “one size fits all” offering? The future of CRM software includes customized offers and content that the individual will find relevant and appealing in ways a traditional mass email or social media campaign cannot compete with.
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A better bottom line
What developments will the next generation of CRM software bring to brands and businesses? Aside from an improved customer experience leading to increased customer loyalty, these enhancements will lead to greater profit as CRM software learns to react to the marketplace quicker and adapt to act on market trends in a faster and more direct way
Developers have been monitoring the wants and needs of the industry while improving the customer end experience. Expect to see developments which will push the envelope as the future of CRM offerings improve far beyond what has today become the norm.
Michael Taylor
Michael is the Lead Author & Editor of CRMSimplified Blog. Michael established the CRM blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to CRM.