CRM Michael TaylorSeptember 25, 2015

My Favorite 5 Articles in CRM This Week

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My Favorite 5 Articles in CRM This Week

 The Do’s And Don’ts For CRM

It is not a secret anymore that CRM is crucial for our success as business owners. Many times our CRM systems seem to be glowing and promising. But, unfortunately, they turn to be a failure without prior warning. When it comes to implementing and operating a CRM system, there are quite a few possible mistakes that can ruin the process, and stall your desirable results. In this article, you can find a shortlist of Do’s and Don’t’s for CRM. Did you remember to update your documentation?


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5 Myths When Integrating Your CRM To Your Accounting System

This article, by Gene Marks, explores five things we should know before integrating our CRM system with the accounting system. The first question we should ask ourselves is if it is really necessary and to consider the price.

The 5 mentioned myths in the article, shed light on the fact that this kind of integration between the CRM and the accounting system would not worth it. For instance, some people allege that integration to the accounting system is easy, but this is true only if it was pre-built before. If it’s not the case, after completing the new integration, the environment, the databases and software are changed and have to be supported. If you are planning to integrate your CRM with your accounting system, you should read these insights to know if it is convenient enough for your company’s needs.


Don’t Use a CRM? Here Are 4 Reasons Why It Might Be The Solution You Need

CRM is important for the promotion and growth of every business. Although businesses have to train users on how to use it, it is still significant and valuable. Leslie Ye mentions 4 incredible benefits of CRM; why CRM is needed or why it can be the suitable solution we need to adopt.

I agree that CRM is beneficial for all the reason mentioned in this article. Furthermore, I think that CRM especially improves communication at the organizational level. After all, the information that reps need on a given prospect and its interaction with other colleagues is in the CRM system. Read the article to know what are the other benefits, and to gain more information!


Three Signs Your CRM System Isn’t Cutting It

Everybody knows that CRM is fundamental to grow as a business and achieve success. CRM helps to improve customer service and boost sales. Although, it is important to note how to use and tailor it correctly in the modern technological world, where things are changing and marketing and sales start to work together.

Carol Hilderbrand, from Oracle, mentions three situations where CRM is not helping. Then, she gives an advice on how to change the situation and make our CRM helpful and effective. I liked this article for its fresh view, for once, not on the importance of CRM, but on how to use it correctly.


 Is Customer Experience the New CRM?

Many CX professionals do not use technology in a way that is beneficial for them. They need to use customer data wisely and fix processes to improve customer experience. In order to reach across channels and systems, they use a mixture of CRM tools, which lead to complexity.

It is better to implement one tool that collects data from multiple systems. Therefore, it will be easier for marketing and customer departments to promote their projects. I liked this article, by Ginger Conlon, because it offers something new; it examines CX and suggests it to be the next CRM and explains why it is possible!