This CRM tutorial for beginners is an overview of the strategy widely used in today’s business world. It covers most of the topics with simple explanations and examples when needed. For those of you who are already well versed in CRM, this will be a good review for you.
As you probably know, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is one the most employed business strategies in the modern business world. The basic aim of this strategy is to improve customer service by adopting certain norms into the business practice which in turn will boost customer satisfaction and attract more customers, eventually bringing in more revenue to the business and making the business more profitable. CRM combines the latest technology with human intellect as a resource to gain an insight into the trends in customer’s behavior, in order to identify the best customers from the lot and deal them efficiently.
Moreover, it also helps businesses find new potential customers and expand into the business market.
CRM Tutorial For Beginners
How It WorksÂ
CRM is quite often misunderstood as a software package or a business tool, but essentially, it is more of a holistic approach of doing productive business. The most fundamental part of it is to gather information about the customers (mainly from the sale records) .
The business then designs campaigns for targeted customers accordingly, in order to expedite and broaden the sales. The collected information about the customer helps the customer support department of the business. Through this collected information, a business learns about customers who use are regular buyers of their products. Â Other CRM applications like automated applications to process customer complaints and customer service systems such as automated call centers, are the factors which make businesses successful.
How Do Businesses Benefit From CRM ?
Business organizations can achieve multiple goals by adopting CRM strategies. Improving customer service is the primary goal , which eventually increases buyer’s satisfaction and confidence in their products. The revenue is increased when the right products are advertised to the right people at the right time. This is happens when a company knows what it’s customers want, or the other way around; when the company helps it’s buyers realize what they need to buy. This all is possible by using various CRM methods. Many successful companies make the use of CRM so well that they keep their customers longing for it’s upcoming products. In other words, a strong relation or a bond is developed between the company and it’s customers .
The CRM Software and Applications
The CRM strategy is basically implemented through a system of software which encompass all the areas discussed above. But before moving on to the CRM software, it is very important to mention here that thinking of CRM in purely technological terms or thinking of it as a technology itself is incorrect. CRM is a process which has many components, software being one piece and human resources  the other.
Sales Automation Software
This software package includes contact management software and lead management software. The former one deals with the storage, tracking and management of contacts of all the existing and potential customers of the company. The latter one deals with exploring new leads and managing the existing ones.
eCRM and Survey Management Software
eCRM, also known as self service CRM, allows the company to interact with customers through web.It also enables automatic email generation and deals with campaign management. Survey management software is responsible for automated polls and surveys. This software enables the company to gain an understanding of customer preferences.
Contract Management Software
This software package assists the company with the creation of new partnerships, agreements and contracts. It also helps to keep track of records and assists the management of these deals.
The Best CRM for Your Business
Before buying a certain CRM software to assist you in your business, there should be an evaluation process to determine the prime goal you want the CRM to achieve for your enterprise. One of the most crucial aspects of this CRM tutorial for beginners is to understand that there are many software options available in the market designed for specific targets. You will have to decide whether you want your CRM to improve the customer service or you may want it to keep the track record of product sales. Once established, the scale enables you to determine the performance of your CRM software.
While evaluating a CRM software system, the following points should always be kept in mind.
- It should help in calculating the accurate budget and identifying real benefits of the enterprise.
- It should have a user friendly interface and avoid any complexity in navigation so as to simplify the the customer’s interaction with the business easy.
- Customization process should be simple so that the operator should frame the default setup according to his own preference and will.
- A great CRM systems allows low level system integration present in the company.
Buying The Right CRMÂ
Proper evaluation of your requirements makes the purchase of a CRM system an easy job but still there are some areas you should keep in mind before investing. First of all, Â you should look for the vendors who satisfy you completely by explaining the functions of the system they are selling so that it becomes easy for you to identify which system is most suitable for your organization.You may want to deal with more than one vendor in order to effectively compare the properties and performance of various systems. You should also ask the vendors to provide a demo of the CRM system you are buying for your satisfaction.
CRM is a medium which connects the businesses to its customers by removing the gaps between the buyer and seller. Companies which adopt a CRM strategy through various software and applications are successful in providing customer satisfaction through better services, attracting more customers and end up being successful in today’s fast and competitive business world.  This CRM tutorial for beginners should have given you a general overview if you are new to this world and if you are a veteran, it should have served as a reminder of the true value of customer relationship management.
Michael Taylor
Michael is the Lead Author & Editor of CRMSimplified Blog. Michael established the CRM blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to CRM.