The sales industry is more competitive than ever, now that technology has transformed and disrupted the paradigm. These days, most sales happen remotely over the phone or internet. This is commonly known as inside sales. Inside sales is both a challenge and an opportunity for your company.
Optimization of sales productivity (the most sales for the least resources) can make a huge difference in your bottom line. Equally critical is a strong sales enablement strategy. When your salespeople know your buyers’ needs and motivations and are properly equipped with the right content and selling aids, making that big sale is a snap. The good news is that inside sales tools like WalkMe, TinderBox, KiteDesk, Close.io, and Echosign can give you the edge you need to succeed in the marketplace. With the right tools, your company can see significant boosts in productivity. This can mean big things for your company.
1. WalkMe
WalkMe provides onscreen contextual guidance that simplifies your sales CRM for your reps. WalkMe’s step-by-step walkthroughs increase employee productivity, as your reps can use WalkMe to complete any CRM-related task, without having to distract their colleagues. Your employees will love WalkMe because it makes their jobs easy and burden-free, and every manager knows that when your employees are happy, they are more motivated to perform better.
2. TinderBox
You can also utilize TinderBox’s suite of sales productivity products to track sales proposals, see who’s looking at your company’s sales materials, and personalize your sales materials. TinderBox analytics can inform you where your company’s web presence is getting attention and where it’s struggling. The contract management software speeds up the process of making accurate and understandable contracts, making things easier for your salespeople and your clients. Your salespeople will have more time for other sales, and your clients will be more satisfied.
3. KiteDesk
KiteDesk is another sales productivity suite that helps sales teams prospect for new clients. Its database avoids duplicate leads and provides contextual information, thus cutting down drastically on research time. Its dashboard GUI featuring a schedule, task, opportunities, and leads allows sales reps to focus on the task at hand, cutting down on wasted time and leading to great sales productivity. Some 25% of the typical salesperson’s day is spent researching new clients. This is a great way to increasae sales productivity through inside sales tools.
4. Close io
Close.io offers in-app phone support, automatic contact history updates, smart search, and advanced sales tracking channels. This set of inside sales tools means more sales enablement. Your sales team will be more focused and your sales productivity will increase through utilization of technological tools.
5. Adobe eSign
Finally, Adobe eSign lets you process business transactions faster through use of verified e-signatures, cutting down on use of paper, increasing control and visibility, and generally centralizing and modernizing the signature process. Adobe eSign supports both e-signatures and digital signatures, reducing any potential risk that might occur.
In short, there are many inside sales tools you can use to increase your company’s sales productivity and facilitate sales enablement. From WalkMe’s comprehensive platform to eSign’s paperwork-reducing e-signature system, technology is transforming inside sales. Now is the best time to modernize your company’s framework, increase efficiency and productivity, and incorporate new inside sales tools into your day to day workflow.
Michael Taylor
Michael is the Lead Author & Editor of CRMSimplified Blog. Michael established the CRM blog to create a source for news and discussion about some of the issues, challenges, news, and ideas relating to CRM.